Butterflies raise alarm!

Butterflies are a wonder of nature. They seem fragile, yet the strongest of them—the Monarch, Danaus plexippus—can fly as far as 4,000 km from Canada to Mexico to survive the winter. But what are these beautiful insects definitely not resistant to? Butterflies, both diurnal and nocturnal, are the first to react to any human actions that disrupt the natural balance of their environment. So, if something starts to go wrong with butterflies, it should be a strong signal for us humans: STOP!

Astronomic table of Copernicus in Olsztyn castle

The great Polish scientist, Nicolaus Copernicus, remains to this day one of the greatest figures in the world of science. He went down in history first and foremost as the creator of the theory of the heliocentric structure of the Solar System, which was groundbreaking for the science and world view of the time. But the man who ‘stopped the sun, moved the earth’ was not only an astronomer, but also an economist, lawyer, translator, doctor, mathematician and cartographer. In the Copernicus Year, the film ‘The History of Nicolaus…

”Bydgoszcz – more beautiful than you think”
Interview with Łukasz Krupa – Deputy Mayor of Bydgoszcz

Bydgoszcz is the beautiful capital of the Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship, picturesquely situated on the Brda River, which flows through the very center of the city. This is where important road, rail and water routes intersect. There is also an airport in the city named after famous polish pianist, composer and politican Ignacy Jan Paderewski. The city is not only…

 Arup in 25 years

Visions of the future are a grateful subject, so to mark its 25th anniversary on the Polish market, Arup, a powerhouse in sustainable engineering, has produced a film precisely about what the world should look like in another 25 years. But it gave the floor on this topic not to experts, but to children. 

At first, the judges, of the 18th FilmAT Festival – the International Festival of Corporate Films, Television Documentaries and Tourfilms, were….

18th FilmAT Festival

On 29 February 2024, the Awards Gala of the eighteenth edition of the FilmAT Festival took place at the headquarters of the Museum of Sport and Tourism in Warsaw. The background of the ceremony was the famous ‘Wall of Glory’ with the Olympic gold medals of our athletes. It should be recalled that the Museum of Sport and Tourism in Warsaw has been included by the IOC in the Olympic Museums Network, comprising only 22 institutions from around the world, on account of its merits….

Butterfly Glade Project

The “Butterfly Glade” project includes:
1. butterfly exhibitions presenting artistic watercolors by Ewa Kotus, faithfully reflecting the beauty of butterflies from all over the world;
2. international conferences of the International Tourfilm Academy on the latest knowledge about butterflies, saving butterflies, and international cooperation in this field;
3. films about butterflies and…

My butterflies

The butterfly emerging in its final form – how perfect, beautifully colored – is a miracle, an aristocrat on our planet. Most of them live shortly but can manage to present their flawless beauty to the world. 

Painting a real butterfly portrait is a serious challenge because the map of its wings and the combination of colors are often difficult to repeat. Each of them, apart from the features of their…

17th FilmAT Festival

The 17th FilmAT Festival 2022 competition was a great success, with Grand Prix statuettes in all three themes : TOURISM COMMUNICATION, DOCUMENTARIES & TV REPORTS, CORPORATE FILMS – as the jury stated, the level of this year’s films was very high. It is also a great joy that during this edition of the Festival, the International Tourfilm Academy awarded…

Łukasiewicz Research Network
– Institute of Aviation – 95 years

Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Aviation holds a leading position among Polish research and development institutions; just as it was in the inter-war period when it was founded, it sets trends and tasks in the aerospace industry and now also in the space industry. Within the Lukasiewicz Research Network, it collaborates with other institutes to carry out work that helps solve problems in both the national and international economy. The film…

Lower Silesia – find your way!

A film promoting cycling tourism in Lower Silesia, by the decision of an international jury, was awarded first prize in the Eco Tourism category in the competition of the 17th FilmAT Festival 2022 . The award-winning production is part of the Lower Silesia Marshal’s Office campaign #FindYourWay, which includes…

Tourist Owl for the Forest Film Studio!

Ewa Kotus: The films of the Forest Film Studio of Polish State Forests delight jurors at film festivals around the world. And it’s hardly surprising, as they are always prepared at the highest world-class level. I’m not going to list the 2022 awards at all the festivals, because there were really a lot of them, I’ll discuss the awards at our international festival in Warsaw.

The jury of the 17th FilmAT Festival, chaired by Zbigniew Żmudzki, awarded this year’s prizes to the beautiful films…

Alcala – Holy Week in the eye of the camera

“ALCALÁ HOLY WEEK 2022”, a film directed by Antonio Atilano is a film that brings us closer to a great celebration, a great event, which is rooted in spiritual tradition while presenting opportunities for Culture and Tourism.

Procession after procession narrates the Passion of Jesus Christ, from the moment he is taken until his death and resurrection. Emotion, art, transcendence…

The sounds of cello

The international success of the film “Liszki. I’m from here”

If anyone wondered whether a promotional film should participate in international festivals in different parts of the world, the successes of the year 2022 of the Liszki Municipality must convince them of this. Winning awards at successive festivals, the film broke through to the top of the CIFFT international ranking in the category of Region Promotion.

Bielsko-Biała – a city in the mountains

Bielsko-Biała is a charming city located in the south of the Silesian Voivodeship, where it is easy to travel to and enjoy a pleasant stay. It is associated mainly with the cartoon characters of the Animated Film Studio, the Polish Fiat 126p or, in the past, with woollen fabrics.

Surrounded by the mountains of the Silesian Beskid and…

„The Paperweight”

an interview with PhD Olaf Ciszak, Professor of Poznan University of Technology, the Dean of The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and the author of the film

Ewa Kotus: Professor, the Poznan University of Technology is one of the most important universities in Poland, and the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering teaches a number of attractive courses: Mechanics and mechanical engineering – for those who want to know how things work and how they are made, Mechatronics, for those who want to bring mechanics to life, Biomedical Engineering – for those who want to develop advanced technologies in medicine…

„4 Seasons of the Year”
in The Museum of the Masovian Countryside in Sierpc

Despite the strong competition of Polish and foreign films, “4 Four Seasons of The Year” – a film promoting the Museum of the Masovian Countryside in Sierpc, won three awards in both competitions of the 17th FilmAT Festival -international and national – in the categories: Tourism Communication/Tourist Product/Cultural Tourism and in the Corporate Film/Marketing Communication. The International Jury appreciated the fact that…

Bielsko-Biała and the History of Polish Animation

More than half of my professional life I have devoted to animation. I was a film producer associated with Se-ma-for Studio in Łódź. During the communist era, there were five state-owned studios producing animated films. The two biggest were my Se-ma-for and the Studio Filmów Rysunkowych (Animated Film Studio) in Bielsko-Biała. These studios have often worked together. For example, Mieczyslaw Janik (native of Bielsko) was the main sound operator in most of the productions both in Lodz and Bielsko. Also legendary were…

The partecipants of the 16th FilmAT Festival awarded!

On December 17, 2021, the award ceremony of the 16th FilmAT Festival took place in the hospitable Sports and Tourism Museum in Warsaw.

As every year, the Board of the FilmAT Festival together with the Board of International Tourfilm Academy awarded the non-film tourist statuette for promoting Poland in the World. In the Olympic year, the TOURIST 2021 statuette went to…

“Freedom is in us, or the victory of 1920”
– among the winners of the 16th FilmAT Festival!

The end of hostilities in November 1918, and the signing of a peace treaty at Versailles, did not end the military operations in Poland. The Polish Republic, which was just reborn after 123 years of partitions, was forced to fight for borders, freedom and survival in the face of…

I choose Cyprus! 

We were delighted with the films from the series “Cyprus in Your Heart” promoting the island famous for its extraordinary tourist values. The productions submitted by the Cyprus Deputy Ministry of Tourism participated in the international competition of the 16th FilmAT Festival were appreciated by the members of the jury

Ustka – Become the Master of Leisure 

The southern shores of the Baltic Sea are mainly wide sandy beaches, picturesque dunes, forests and spits typical of this region. Space and a sense of freedom. In Poland, such ribbons of light sand extend over 500 km of the coast, and between Krynica Morska in the east…

Red Carpet of Cannes Corporate Media & TV Awards 

Every year, the great winners of the Cannes Corporate Media & TV Awards – the world’s largest festival for corporate films, documentaries, and online media productions – gather on the red carpet of the legendary Palm Beach in Cannes. The highly sophisticated gala

Oscar for “Peter and the Wolf”
interview with Zbigniew Żmudzki

“Peter and the Wolf” won the Oscar in 2008 in the category “Best Short Animated Film”. The film was a coproduction of the Se-ma-for Studios and the British BreakThru Films. The movie was directed by…

32nd Gala Grand Prix CIFFT 

When in 1989, the year of great changes in Europe and in the world, Alexander V. Kammel and his father Rudolf Kammel created CIFFT to select every year the best tourist film on our Globe, they did not expect, that it come the time that the famous Gala of Grand Prix CIFFT will…

“How security sounds? UNIQA sounds safe!”

When evaluating festival films promoting countries, regions, cities or companies, the jurors pay attention primarily to the originality of the work. We are more and more often surprised by excellent script or production ideas. Such a film appeared at this year’s FilmAT Festival. The insurance company…

Medical Giant, Green Tower and Hot16
WARBUD S.A. triple awarded at FilmAT Festival 2020!

WARBUD S.A. is one of the biggest construction companies in Poland. Over the past 30 years, the company’s portfolio has included many prestigious and complicated projects that have changed the landscape of our country, including the Złota 44 skyscraper designed by…

The World’s Tourism Film Centre already in Mazovia!

And it finally happened! On December 11, at the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the World’s Tourism Film Centre was opened at the Muzeum of Sports and Tourism in Warsaw with a symbolic ceremony. We are very pleased with this fact, because…

Mazovia – heart of Poland & The World’s Centre of Tourism Film

There is no better tool for promoting tourism than a film, and there is no better place for the World’s Centre of Tourist Film than the beautiful Mazovia – the heart of Poland, situated in the charming lowlands, in the very center…

15th anniversary of FilmAT Festival

Great anniversary of FilmAT Festival brings reflections. International Jury for the fifteenth time determined the most beautiful films, which in individual categories will be awarded by Tourist statuettes. Films with outstanding educational and…